Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome Back!

It’s a new school year!  Well, I am 3 weeks into the new school year and after schedule changes and making sure that my seniors have the classes they need to graduate, I am sort of feeling like things are settling down.  I haven’t written a blog post since March.  The end of the school year is always busy and exciting.  Seniors were finalizing college plans and the underclassmen were selecting classes. 

This year I am not teaching a class.  However, I do have juniors this year as well as seniors.  In addition, I am the senior activities advisor so I get to plan winter formal, prom, grad night and graduation.

I am working on the counseling department bulletin board for the year.  The title this year is “To College and Beyond…”  More to come about that.  As always, I would like to blog more this year. I even have a few ideas for some regular posts. 

See you in the next blog!