Saturday, January 30, 2016

My Goal

I’m back! It was a couple of busy months helping the seniors apply to college and everything else that I have to do at my school site.  I love it, but the winter break was needed and now I am back to finish the year strong.

Upon returning our principal asks us about one thing that we want to accomplish by the end of the year. This is an important question but there is so many things that I want to accomplish by the end of the year.  Much of my work with students is very similar year to year so I wanted to think of something new.  Setting goals is important in my role.

The goal that I set is helping the juniors research colleges with thought.  This goal includes all juniors and these students will have at least 6 colleges on their preliminary college list.  I included “with thought” because many students apply to schools because they heard of them, or their sibling attends the school, or they heard it’s a “good” school. This is all part of the research but there is more to choosing a college. My goal is to have students question and find the answer as to why it’s a good fit for them.  Along with this goal I hope to expand the students’ college list to outside of California and southern California.  I am not opposed to them applying to colleges in their comfort zone but I want to expand their opportunities. 

I am excited to get this process started. The students will get a lot of information and assistance and by the time they are seniors they will have a thoughtful college list of opportunities that fit their needs. 

I cannot wait to write about how this went! 

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